Please provide the information below on the following pages:
1. Write a personal statement describing yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your goals and how you intend to reach them, your probable major, and what this scholarship would mean to you.
2. A description of your church involvement along with staff person/volunteer who was in charge (i.e. music in worship-Colette, Faith Formation-Cindy). Record involvement then add a short statement of how these experiences have shaped your faith journey. What impact have these experiences had on you?
3. A description of your community, school, and extracurricular activities, such as community service, music, drama, sports and/or other activities. Record activities and add a short statement of how this has shaped you and prepared you for college and how you will continue to serve your community.
4. An official high school transcript.
5. TWO letters of recommendation from someone in school, community or church (may not be an Advent staff member).