Support Us/ Ondersteun Ons
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to look on, and do nothing."
- John Stuart Mill.
No matter how big or small your role, just by helping out to spread the word to friends and family, and to provide donations and support in whatever amount you are able to, can make all of the difference.
Maak nie saak hoe groot of klein jou rol is nie, net deur die woord te versprei aan vriende en familie, en om skenkings en ondersteuning van watter bedrag ook al jy kan te gee, kan die verskil maak.
Without donations it is impossible for us to fund the cost of elections, organise and fuel campaign events, print t-shirts, posters, gazebos, flyers, flags, pay for marketing and media, annual and monthly running expenses, the costs of lawyers and legal fees every time we take the SA government, IEC, Iziko, Eskom, corrupt news media etc to court, the list is endless...
Sonder skenkings is dit vir ons onmoontlik om verkiesings te finansier, veldtogte te organiseer en brandstof te gee, t-hemde, plakkate, gazebo’s, strooibiljette en vlae vir bemarking te betaal en om media, jaarlikse en maandelikse uitgawes, prokureurs- en regskostes elke keer wanneer ons die SA regering, OVK, Iziko, Eskom, korrupte nuusmedis ens hof toe te vat, die lys is eindeloos, te betaal.
We are up against a monumental task, but the future of our beloved Cape, our families, and our children's children to come are at stake.
Ons staan voor ’n monumentale taak, maar die toekoms van ons geliefde Kaap, ons gesinne en ons kinders se kinders wat kom, is op die spel.
With your support we can do it!/ Met jou ondersteuning kan ons dit doen!