Jubilee Church Experience
MORE TOGETHER. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
Which location do you frequent?
Which age category best describes you?
17 and under
18 - 28
29 - 40
41 - 50
51 - 60
61 - 70
How do you most often hear about Jubilee events or announcements? [Select 2]
Sunday Video Announcements
Jubilee Websites
Text Messages
Word of Mouth (from a friend/family/call the office)
I struggle to learn about Jubilee events and happenings
How often do you log on the Jubilee Websites? (Boston, Stoughton or Worcester)
Very Often
How often do you visit the Jubilee social media profiles?
Very Often
Why do you attend church? [Please select your top 3]
To become closer to God or be a better person
So my children will have a moral foundation
For comfort in times of trouble or sorrow
I find the sermons valuable
To be part of a faith community / meet new people / socialize
To continue my family's religious traditions / I feel an obligation
To please my family. spouse or partner
Can you say that you are connected to at least 3 other Jubilee members?
No, I am not connected to at least 3 church members
Yes, I am connected to at least 3 other church members
Which of the following amenities or events do you enjoy the most? [Please check all that apply:
Sunday services
Children's services
Weekly Bible Studies
Morning Prayer
Life Groups
Jubilee Church Convention
DASH International Women's Conference
Atmosphere Conference
Love Month / Unfiltered Weekend
Influence Nights
Citywide Events
Turkey Giveaway
Code Blue
Jubilee in the City
Life Groups
Do you feel the church is sensitive to the major needs or the congregants?
Yes, I've seen the church help people with real needs
Yes, I've been the recipient of help from the church when I needed it
I've heard the Pastor express a desire to help congregants
I'm unsure
No, I've experienced a major need or seen others with needs and felt that nobody noticed
Can you describe a time when you or someone you know expressed a need and how the church did or did not help? Please include any important details.
Do you feel engaged in Jubilee church?
Yes, I feel very engaged in the church and its initiatives
Yes, I feel engaged in the church
I enjoy being in the church but don't take an active role
I feel I'm sometimes watching from the sidelines
I don't feel engaged
If you started attending or streaming Jubilee Church in the last TWO (2) years, What's mainly responsible for bringing you to the ministry?
A friend or family member
Posts or ads on social media
A special event or program
I saw the building and was curious
An online search
I've been attending longer than a year
Do you feel like you've grown spiritually since attending this church?
I have not grown at all
I have grown a little
I have grown a decent amount
I have grown exponentially
How likely are you to invite someone to Jubilee?
I regularly invite people to church events
I am very likely to invite someone to church
Not very likely
I would not invite someone to Jubilee
Based on your answer to the previous question: Why or why not?
BONUS: How can we better serve you as a church community?
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