Zena Sundevils Code of Conduct
As a member of the Zena Sundevils swim team, I realize my child is part of an organization that believes teamwork, integrity, respect, and good sportsmanship are more important than winning. I understand, my child, as a swimmer, must be gracious in defeat, modest in victory, and maintain self-control. By signing this Code of Conduct, I agree both my child and I will follow the rules for behavior and sportsmanship while we are members of the Zena Sundevils. In addition, To read and understand the DUSO Code of Conduct that all swimmers and parents are expected to follow, I understand I can go to www.duso.org.
1. We will encourage good sportsmanship.
2. We will attend every practice that we can.
3. We understand that the coach has final say in the events that swimmers swim during meets.
4. We will do our very best to listen and learn from the coaches.
5. We will treat the coaches, other swimmers, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, gender, creed, or abilities and expect to be treated accordingly.
6. We will behave in a way which ensures the health, safety and well-being of any coach, swimmer, official or spectator during any swim functions.
7. We will not use profanity or abusive language and will not engage in verbal or physical threats.