Advanced EMT Clinical Notebook Signature Page
The student's signature below indicates an understanding of all the following statements. The student also agrees to abide by all policies and procedures of Trinity EMS Academy during all clinical rotations.
1. I have received, read, and agree to abide by all of the school policies and operational procedures as outlined in the Trinity EMS Academy's Policies of Clinical Instruction.
2. I recognize that all students at Trinity EMS Academy are held responsible for acting in accordance with the contents of these guidelines during scheduled clinical rotations.
3. I understand that if these guidelines are not followed, this will result in my being sent home from the clinical site. I understand that the consequences could result in the clinical not counting and/or being dismissed from the course.
4. I understand that failure to properly document all required information on all Clinical Forms and ePCR, will result in the assessment and/or skill not counting. I also understand that this may keep me from completing my required clinicals and being shown as incomplete for the course.
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Student Signature
Staff Name
First Name
Last Name
Staff Signature
Should be Empty: