Merry Mystics Spirit Camps provides a safe, secure, and fun experience for your child. All campers should be treated with respect, be responsible and feel safe.
Electronic use by childen is prohibited, besides in an emergency. Cell phones and other electronics will not be permitted for use by campers during camp hours. We reserve the right to restrict any toys and devices not appropriate for camp.
Expectations Include:
- Respect for oneself
- Respect for others
- Respect for the property of each camper
- Respect for Mother Earth
- Listen to program leaders and follow directions
- Use appropriate language
- Keep hands to oneself
Grounds for Immediate Dismissal
- Bullying / Threatening words or behavior
- Repeated disrespect for persons or property
- Intentionally harming oneself or others
- Bringing a weapon to camp
Spirit Camp retains the right to remove a participant from the program at any time during the course of the program at any time during the course of the program if we feel that the child's actions are a threat to the well-being and safety of the other children and/or staff. No refunds will be given in theses circumstances.
All campers are required to wear appropriate play clothes and footwear. Campers should arrive each day with a backpack containing the following items: sunscreen, insect repellent, sweater or jacket, hat, lunch, snacks, water bottle. Please mark all items with your child's name.
On the first day of camp (Monday), children will need to bring an empty shoebox to craft into their Spirit Toolbox. We will send reminders!
On Wednesday, children will be asked to bring a yoga mat or beach towel. We will send reminders!
Merry Mystics is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please make sure your child has all their belongings at the end of the camp on Friday.
Can Adults Come to Camp Too?
Yes! Parents and guardians are welcome to visit Spirit Camp at any time throughout the week. If you'd like to attend with your child as an adult volunteer for the duration of the week, please contact us after submitting this form at
Additionally, 2023 Spirit Camp for Adults will be offered August 14-18 at West Hills UU Church in SW Portland. Parents and guardians of past child campers receive a 10% discount!
Daily Schedule
Please drop off your camper(s) between 8:45-9 AM, and pick up your camper between 3:45-4 PM. If your camper will need to arrive later or leave earlier, please give us advance notice.
Closing Ceremony: 2:30 PM Friday
On Friday, the last day of camp, we will have a Closing Ceremony at 2:30 PM open to parents and guardians, as will as family members and anyone else that would like to join in support of your child. This is a chance to celebrate our campers all together and let them show off what they learned during the week. Parent attendance is encouraged, but certainly not mandatory.
There are no refunds for missed days due to illness or inappropriate behavior. For refunds requested more than fourteen days before the camp start date, an 80% refund will be provided. For refunds requested less than fourteen calendar days before the camp start date, no refund will be provided. Spirit Camp will issue a full refund if the camp is canceled for any reason. Camp will be canceled 1 week before scheduled start date if it is under enrolled.
Camp registration can be transferred to another camp session during Summer 2023 free of charge, preferrably as early in advance as possible. Please email us at to transfer registration dates.