Photo Release
I hereby give permission to Southern Illinois Christian Service Camp to use photographs of my child taken bt the official or volunteer staff to be used for related camp activities, programs or promotion including the web site of SICSC. I also recognize the these photographs are property of SICSC.
Code of Ethics
1. Campers failing to respond to the authority of the camp staff will be sent home.
2. Campers who fail to abide with the camp schedule (exceptions: sickness, etc.) will be sent home
3. Campers caught stealing or pilfering through others belongings will be sent home.
4. Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. Any act deemed unacceptable by SICSC staff, Camp Dean or faculty will result in dsimissal.
5. Campers who destroy camp proprerty will be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement.
6. Any camper caught with alcohol, tobacco, vape, drugs or weapons will be dismissed.
7. Campers are expected to treat others in a Christian manner.
8. Report all illness or injury to the camp nurse immediately.
9. Modest attire will be worn at all times.
10. I will not bring anything on the do not bring list.
I have read and understand the guidelines listed above and agree to follow them.