If, for the duration of my child's enrollment, my child should become ill or injured at Mountain Laurel Montessori School and the illness or injury does not require emergency treatment, I understand that the staff of Mountain Laurel Montessori School will
1. contact me immediately, or
2. contact the person(s) I have designated, if I cannot be reached.
If the staff of Mountain Laurel Montessori School deems it necessary for my child to be removed from the classroom due to illness or injury, I agree that my child will be picked up by me or someone designated by me within one hour of notification. I also agree that my child will not return to school until my child's condition has improved so that he/she is no longer contagious (as evidenced by no vomiting within 24 hours of last incidence and/or absence of fever of over 100 degrees, without fever-reducing medication) and is able to participate in the normal activities of the school day.
If my child is to be absent for any reason, I agree to notify Mountain Laurel Montessori School by 8:00 a.m. each day my child will be absent. I further agree to inform Mountain Laurel Montessori School within 24 hours of the next business day after my child and/or any member of my immediate household has developed any reportable communicable diseases of childhood (a list of these diseases can be found in the School Handbook and is available through the Warren County Health Department), except for life threatening diseases, which must be reported immediately. I authorize Mountain Laurel Montessori School to notify the Virginia Board of Health when necessary for the health and well-being of their staff, students and community at large.