Terms and Conditions:
Release: By providing your contact information, which may include name, postal mailing address, phone number, email address, hospital affiliation, and/or practice focus (collectively, "Member Information") to exhibitors via JotForm for participation in the OrthoQuest scavenger hunt ("Event"), you understand that exhibitors will have access to such information and you consent to exhibitors using your contact information to send you information on the exhibitors' products and services. You also agree to release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless AAOS and its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns (“Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, liability, costs (including attorneys’ fees), losses, damages, fines or injuries of any kind arising out of or related to: (i) participation in the Event; (ii) any acceptance, possession, misuse or use of the prize(s); (iii) the Released Parties’ violation of rights of publicity or privacy, claims of defamation or portrayal in a false light or based on any claim of infringement of intellectual property; and (iv) any typographical, human or other error in the printing, offering, selection, operation or announcement of the Event and/or Prize(s).
Information Submitted. By registering for the Event and voluntarily providing Member Information, Members consent and agree to AAOS’s collection and use of the Member Information to administer this Event, and to comply with applicable domestic and international laws and regulations. Member Information is subject to AAOS’s website terms of use and privacy policy. The Member also consents and agrees to AAOS’s use of their photographic images in future communications and/or promotional material solely in connection with AAOS activities.
Prize: The prize(s) to be awarded for the winner(s) of the event are (i) one grand prize to the top Member ("Grand Prize" and (ii) entry for the remaining Members into a drawing ("Drawing") for other prizes ("Drawing Prizes") (each, a "Prize"). Prizes will be in the form of gift cards ranging from $50 - $1,000.
Eligibility: Participants must be active or emeritus, domestic or international members of AAOS in good standing (“Members”). Suspended members are not eligible to participate. Employees of AAOS and their immediate family members, or anyone with whom they are domiciled are not eligible to win and receive a Prize. The Drawing is void where prohibited by law and is subject to all applicable international, federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Any Drawing entries that are prohibited by any applicable international, federal, state or local laws or regulations are null and void. It is the responsibility of the Member to determine whether participation in the Drawing is permitted under applicable law.
Drawing Date: The Drawing will take place on or after March 18, 2025.
Winning Member Selection and Notification: The winning Members will be notified by phone, mail and/or e-mail within 72 hours of the end of the Event. In the event that a potential winning Member does not comply with these rules or cannot be contacted within one (1) week of being notified, that selection shall be void with no further obligation to that potential winning Member.
Additional Terms and Conditions: No cash substitutions or equivalents for the Prize will be permitted. AAOS reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value in the event that a Prize becomes unavailable. International, federal, state and local taxes on the Prize are solely the responsibility of the winning Member. The winning Member may be required to provide AAOS with valid social security number(s) or tax identification number(s) before the Prize will be awarded for tax reporting purposes. An IRS Form 1099 may be issued in the name of the winning Member for the actual value of the Prize received.
Dates & Deadlines: AAOS reserves the right, in addition to those other rights reserved herein, to modify any date(s) or deadline(s) set forth in these rules or otherwise governing the Event and/or Drawing.
Name of Winner/Official Rules Requests. For the name of the winning Member or a copy of these rules, please contact AAOS Membership at membership@aaos.org.
Miscellaneous. By participating in the Event and/or Drawing, Members agree to be bound by these rules and the decisions of AAOS, which are final on all matters relating to the Drawing and/or Event. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these rules will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision of the rules is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions will remain in effect and will be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein. AAOS’s failure to enforce any term of these rules will not constitute a waiver of that provision. The Event and Drawing are governed by the laws of the State of Illinois.