I agree to set a minimum fundraising goal of $3000 to support Cellmates on the Run and diabetes research of the Chicago Diabetes Project and I will use my best effort to achieve at least that amount by December 1, 2024. If I do not reach $3000, I understand my credit card will be charged to offset the balance. If I am unable to run in the TCS New York City Marathon because of injury (or any other reason) I accept responsibility for raising at least $1500 for Cellmates on the Run by December 1, 2024. ($1500 will be used to offset any expenses incurred by Cellmates on the Run in conjunction with the Charity’s participation in the marathon.) I grant a perpetual, royalty-free license to the Chicago Diabetes Project and Cellmates on the Run to use my name, image and/or likeness for the purposes of promotion in any manner (print, radio or television or online). I acknowledge that I voluntarily agree to participate as a member of Cellmates on the Run in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon. I agree that I and/or my heirs, guardians, legal representatives, successors, distributes, and assignees will not make a claim against, sue, attach the property of, or prosecute the Chicago Diabetes Project, Cellmates on the Run, University of Illinois at Chicago or any of its affiliated organizations, staff, Board or agents for any losses, injury, death or property damaged occurring to me as a result of any participation (either directly or indirectly) in any of the activities related to training and running with Cellmates on the Run, or otherwise. I have carefully read this Fundraising Agreement & Waiver Form and fully understand and accept its contents