Animal Addendum
This Addendum to Lease Agreement (this “Addendum”) is incorporated into and is made a part of the Lease Agreement (the “Lease”) between Hometeam Properties Management, LLC (“Landlord”) and {name} (“Tenant”) for the Premises located at {addressWith} (the “Premises”). In the event of any conflict or inconsistencies between the provisions of the Lease and this Addendum, the provisions of this Addendum shall control.
Landlord agrees to waive the pet restrictions of the Lease provided that Tenant and pet owner agree to and meet the following terms and conditions:
Conditional Authorization for Animal: Tenant may keep the animal or animals described below in the dwelling until the Lease expires. Landlord may terminate this authorization sooner if Tenant’s right of occupancy is lawfully terminated or if in Landlord’s judgment Tenant, Tenant’s animal, Tenant’s guest, or any occupant violates any of the rules of this Addendum.
Assistance/Service Animals (“Service Animal”) and Emotional Support Animals (“Support Animal”): When allowed by applicable laws (and always in the case of a Support Animal), Landlord may request written verification of or make other inquiries regarding the disability-related need for a Service Animal for a person with a disability. Landlord will not charge an animal deposit, additional rent, or other fees for any authorized Service Animal and our restricted breed list will not apply. Except as provided by law, all other provisions of this Addendum apply to Service Animals.
Additional Monthly Rent: The Tenant’s total monthly rent, as stated in the Lease, will increase by $50 per additional animal after the first. Only one animal per Tenant is exempt from this additional rent.
Additional Fee: The Tenant must pay a one-time, non-refundable fee of $200 for each additional animal after the first. Only one animal per Tenant is exempt from this fee. The fee is due when the Tenant signs this addendum.
Liability: The additional monthly rent and additional security deposit under this Animal Addendum do not limit Tenant’s liability for property damage, cleaning, deodorizing, defleaing, replacements, or personal injuries.
Description of Animal: Tenant may keep only the animal or animals described below. Tenant may not substitute any other animal. Neither Tenant nor Tenant’s guests or occupants may bring any other animal – mammal, reptile, bird, amphibian, fish, rodent, arachnid, or insect into the dwelling or apartment community.
Animal Name:
ESA or Pet:
ESA Letter Date:
Animal Type:
Date Of Last Rabies Vaccination: (Cat/Dog)
Emergency: In an emergency involving an accident or injury to Tenant’s animal, Landlord has the right to take the animal to the veterinarian for treatment, at Tenant’s expense.
Animal Rules: Tenant is responsible for the animal’s actions at all times agrees to follow these rules:
Restrictions - Visiting animals, for any reason, are not permitted. Animals must be registered prior to bringing them onto the property.
Shots and Licenses – The animal at all times must have current rabies shots and licenses required by law. Tenant must show us evidence of the shots and licenses if asked.
Disturbances – The animal must not disturb the neighbors or other residents, regardless of whether the animal is inside or outside the dwelling.
Housebreaking, Cages, Offspring – Dogs, cats, assistance animals, and search and rescue dogs must be housebroken. All other animals must be caged at all times. No animal offspring are allowed.
Food and Water – Tenant’s animal must be fed and given water inside the dwelling unit. Tenant may not leave animal food or water outside of the dwelling unit at any time.
Leash – Tenant must keep the animal on a leash and under Tenant’s supervision when outside the Unit. Landlord or its representative may pick up the unleashed animals, report them to the proper authorities, or do both. Landlord may charge Tenant a reasonable fee for picking up and keeping unleashed animals.
Animal Waste – If the animal defecates anywhere on Landlord’s property (including in a fenced yard for your exclusive use), Tenant must immediately remove the waste and repair any damage. In addition to the terms of this addendum, Tenant must comply with all local ordinances regarding animal defecation.
Additional Rules: Landlord may make reasonable changes to the animal rules from time to time if it distributes a written copy of any changes to every resident who has been authorized for animals.
Violation of Rules: If Tenant, Tenant’s guest, or any occupant violates any rule or provision of this Addendum (in our judgment) and Landlord gives Tenant written notice of the violation, Tenant must remove the animal immediately and permanently from the Premises. Landlord reserves all other rights and remedies set forth in the Lease, including eviction and recovering damages and attorney’s fees from Tenant.
Complaints About Animal: If Landlord receives a reasonable complaint from a neighbor or other resident or if Landlord, in its sole discretion, determines that the animal has disturbed neighbors or other residents, Tenant must immediately and permanently remove the animal from the Premises upon written notice from Landlord.
Landlord’s Removal of an Animal: In some circumstances, Landlord may enter the Premises and remove the animal within one day after leaving a written notice in a conspicuous place.
Causes for Removal – Landlord may remove an animal under this paragraph if, in its sole judgment, Tenant has:
- Left the animal in the dwelling for an extended period of time without food or water
- Failed to care for a sick animal
- Let the animal defecate or urinate where it’s not permitted
- Abandoned the animal
Multiple Residents: Each resident who signed the Lease must also sign this Addendum. Tenant, Tenant’s guests, and any occupants must follow all animal rules. Each resident is jointly and severally liable for damages and all other obligations set forth in this addendum, even if the resident does not own the animal.
Leases Starting August 1, 2024
Conditions: The waiver is conditional upon the Tenant notifying the Landlord of the presence of the animal on the premises within fourteen (14) days of the animal's introduction to the property. Failure to provide such notification may result in the revocation of the waiver.
General: Tenant acknowledges that no other oral or written agreement exists regarding animals. Except for any special provisions noted in paragraph 11 above, Landlord’s representative has no authority to modify this Addendum or the animal rules except in writing as described under paragraph 14. This Animal Addendum and the animal rules are considered part of the Lease described above.