Whanganui Discovery Pocket Guide
Business registration
Business Name
Displayed as the business listing name.
Business Category
Please Select
See & Do
Art & Design
Eat & Drink
Write an introduction about your business and tell someone why they should visit you.
Minimum length 80 words, be descriptive and engaging.
Upload a hero image for your listing
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
This is the image used for your main listing. Must be larger than 1500px wide
What is your 'local tip' to encourage someone to visit your business?
Example "Try our new burger with extra cheese"
Upload multiple images to be used for your business
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Would you be interested in learning more and offering deals to encourage people to visit your business?
Yes please, tell me more
No thanks, I don't want any more customers
Business Contact Details
Contact phone number
Contact email
If you have one
Full business address / location
Google Map link
Search your business/address in google maps, right click the marker and then left click the co-ordinates to copy
Facebook URL
If you have one
Instagram URL
If you have one
Do you have any specific links for bookings or reservations?
Example: a booking link for a restaurant or activity
Submission details
This is private and not shown on the website
What is your name
Should be Empty: