Standard Instruction Authority
INVESTGOLD is hereby instructed and authorised by me to purchase on my behalf, during the contract term or while my debit orders are still active, Silver Granules in 1 (one) gram denominations by means of utilizing my monthly INVESTGOLD ‘1 Year Silver Bullion Plan’ premiums/funds to pay for such within 10 days from date of receipt of each debit order.I was informed by INVESTGOLD and understand that supply and demand determine buying and selling prices and that INVESTGOLD cannot be held liable for any poor performance of commodities and other products purchased as INVESTGOLD does not dictate market conditions. No Investment or Tax advice was given to me by any of INVESTGOLD personnel. I may sell any of my Silver Granules thereof to INVESTGOLD or any other interested party once I have accepted the buyback price offered to me. INVESTGOLD does not need to contact me with every transaction as I herewith provide the needed instruction and authorisation to INVESTGOLD to make use of my monthly INVESTGOLD ‘1 Year Silver Bullion Plan’ premiums/funds on my behalf to purchase Silver Granules in 1 (one) gram denominations.
I hereby request and authorize INVESTGOLD to draw against my/our account with the above-mentioned bank as mentioned in ‘Step 3’ or any other bank or branch I/we may have or to which I/we may transfer my/our account the monthly Rand sum premium as selected in ‘Step 2’ or any variable amount pertaining to this agreement. This being the amount necessary for the settlement of the monthly amount due to INVESTGOLD in respect of my/our purchases/contract/agreement. All such withdrawals from my/our account by INVESTGOLD shall be treated as though they had been signed by me/us personally. I/we the undersigned instruct and authorize INVESTGOLD’s agent Netcash (Pty) Ltd, to draw against my/our account. I/we understand that if bank details have been supplied the withdrawals authorized here will be processed by Netcash. I/we also understand that details of each withdrawal will be printed on my/our bank statement. I/we agree to pay any banking charges relating to this debit order instruction.This authority may be cancelled by means of giving INVESTGOLD 30 (thirty) days’ notice in writing which will be supported by an official bank confirmation letter submitted seven days before the next debit orders. I/we understand that I/we shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts, which INVESTGOLD has withdrawn whilst this authority was in force if such amounts were legally owing to INVESTGOLD. I/We acknowledge that the party hereby authorized to affect the drawing(s) against my/our account may not cede or assign any of its rights and that I/we may not delegate any of my/our obligations in terms of this contract/authority to any third party without prior written consent of INVESTGOLD Management. I confirm that all information supplied by me is true and correct and herewith accept INVESTGOLD ‘1 Year Silver Bullion Plan’ Terms & Conditions as documented on this Application form which I have read, understood and which has been explained to me. I am aware that as defined in this Agreement/Application form: 2.1 INVESTGOLD (PTY) LTD is the party with whom I am contracting;2.2 I am the client referred to therein;2.3 this is the application form referred to;2.4 the product is Silver in 1 (one) gram denominations which will be made available to me at the time of purchase;2.5 an INVESTGOLD broker will be assigned as my consultant with whom I have been dealing;2.6 the option entitles me to Silver Granules in 1 (one) gram denominations thereof when I have paid sufficient funds in my account to INVESTGOLD in terms of this agreement entitling me to do so;2.7 I am liable to pay all the admin charges as defined;2.8 the contract term has been agreed at 12 (twelve) months; By making this application I acknowledge that in all my business dealings with INVESTGOLD the terms and conditions reflected in (a) this INVESTGOLD ‘1 Year Silver Bullion Plan’ Agreement/Application form and in (b) INVESTGOLD Standard Terms and Conditions (available on www.investgold.co.za and as amended from time to time) will apply to and bind me and be adhered by me. In the event of there being any conflict between the (a) INVESTGOLD ‘1 Year Silver Bullion Plan’ Terms and Conditions and (b) INVESTGOLD Standard Terms and Conditions (as amended from time to time) then the provision of the former document will apply.
IMPORTANT: When you sign this Acceptance Form and return it to us:
INVESTGOLD | Atrium on 5th, 2nd Floor West Towers, 5th Street, Sandton, JHB
011 486 1196 (JHB) | 044 877 0339 (GRG) | sales@investgold.co.za | REG: 2014/200689/07 | VAT: 4890221775