2023 Membership Application
Paws4Fun Agility
Member Name
First Name
Last Name
Application Date
Member Email
Member Phone Number
Member Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Select Membership & Payment Option
New or renewing member?
Renewing Member
New Member
Membership Type?
Single Adult, $70 with 16 volunteer hours (one person, 18 years of age or older)
Junior, $50 with 8 volunteer hours (one person, under 18 years of age)
Family, $100 with 24 volunteer hours (2 or more persons sharing a residence)
Mid-Season Membership Type?
Single Adult, $50 with 8 volunteer hours (one person, 18 years of age or older)
Junior, $40 with 4 volunteer hours (one person, under 18 years of age)
Family, $85 with 12 volunteer hours (2 or more persons sharing a residence)
VOLUNTEER HOURS - I understand that if I work less than the above volunteer hours in the 2023 membership year, a penalty as described on the Paws4Fun website will be assessed on 31-March-2024, and I agree to pay this penalty when notified.
Junior Handler's Date of Birth
Date of Birth
If Junior Member, Name of Responsible Adult
First Name
Last Name
Responsible Adult's Phone Number
Single Membership, Renewal Fee (discount based on 2022 volunteer hours)
$52.50 = 25% discount
$35.00 = 50% discount
$17.50 = 75% discount
$0.00 = 100% discount
Junior Membership, Renewal Fee (discount based on 2022 volunteer hours)
$37.00 = 25% discount
$25.00 = 50% discount
$12.50 = 75% discount
$0.00 = 100% discount
Family Membership, Renewal Fee (discount based on 2022 volunteer hours)
$75.00 = 25% discount
$50.00 = 50% discount
$25.00 = 75% discount
$0.00 = 100% discount
Payment Method to be used
e-transfer to treasurer@paws4funagility.ca - if required, use security question "Membership club?" with answer "paws4fun"
PayPal - use the PayPal button on the Paws4Fun website at www.paws4funagility.ca membership page
Other (please explain in comment box below)
Comment (anything else you would Paws4Fun to know)
Enter Membership Details
Use the "+" to add additional entries, and the "x" at the end of a row to delete an entry.
Please tell us about your level of experience in agility
Add your additional family members:
Add your dog(s) information:
Membership Directory
We distribute a Paws4Fun Membership Directory to all our members by email, which is for personal use only and cannot be shared with non-members or other third parties outside Paws4Fun Agility. Your name will be included in the Directory. By filling in your name below you provide consent for us to share the other details you select below in the Directory.
Please include in the Membership Directory:
Only my name
All my information
I would like to select which information will be included
Select your information in the Paws4Fun Member Directory:
Dog information
Email address
Postal address
Phone number
By entering my name here I agree to share the information above in the Paws4Fun Agility Membership Directory for 2023
First Name
Last Name
Submit Your Application!
After you read and agree to the important stuff.
Terms & Conditions
Membership provides benefits and responsibilities for members. See the membership page under "About" at www.paws4funagility.ca (club website) for member benefits. Responsibilities include care for the premises and equipment, respect for fellow members and their dogs, for visiting competitor and training teams and for club and event officials, as well as the contrbution of a minimum number of volunteering hours required by the club. The following is directed to the adults (18 years of age and over) named in this membership application. Paws4Fun Agility requires all adults named in this membership application to be the signatories to the following terms. "We", "our" and "ourselves" refers to the named adult(s) and to the named junior handler(s). We assume responsibility for the conduct of our family members under 18 years of age, friends who accompany or visit our family on club premises and all dogs our family and friends bring to club premises and venues. We commit to respecting the Rules of Conduct posted at the club website. We accept, for ourselves and juniors listed above, the obligation to provide and register the minimum volunteering time required of us before the end of this calendar year unless chosen fee waives this obligation. We acknowledge that Paws4Fun has banned the use of retractable leashes on the property. We have consulted the Volunteers & Support page on the club website and understand how our volunteer time requirement can be satisfied and how we may qualify for the Frequent Volunteer Reward Program. We also understand that if we do not register the minimum hours required of us, we may be subject to a penalty applied to next year's membership renewal fee. We agree to receive volunteering and other club activity notices and announcements by email at the address provided.
Standard Waiver & Release
We agree that Paws4Fun Agility has the right to refuse this application for cause which the organization deems to be sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this application for membership, we agree to hold Paws4Fun Agility, including its officers, directors and the premise land owner, harmless from any and all claims for injury, death, property damage or any other loss which may be alleged to have been caused by the act of our dog(s) while in or upon any club premises or adjacent grounds, and we personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim. We further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of our dog(s) by disappearance, theft, death or otherwise, and from any claim for damage or injury, be it caused or alleged to be caused by negligence of the parties aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person, or any other cause or causes. We hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify the same aforementioned parties from any and all loss and expenses (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting there from, sustained by any person or persons, including ourselves or on ac- count of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of our participation in any club event, howsoever such injuries, death or damage to property may be caused or may have been alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees or agents, or any other person.
By entering my name here I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the "Terms & Conditions", and "Standard Waiver & Release" above
First Name
Last Name
Please verify that you are human
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