Sunday, February 12, 2023
Speaker: Pastor Adam Crain
Series: Hebrews, Part 17
Text: Hebrews 9:1-10
1) When Adam sinned against God, his conscience experienced for the first time, the difference between Type a label and Type a label .
2) The Tabernacle and furnishings were Type a label meant to be temporal. (vs. 1-5)
3) The Holy Spirit is indicating that the way to God was closed until Type a label had come. (vs. 6-8)
4) The Holy Spirit was indicating that the Type a label only gave Type a label access to God. (vs. 6-8)
5) Only Type a label sacrifice is able to Type a label the conscience of the worshiper. (vs. 9-10)
6) With a Type a label conscience we refuse to Type a label in our sin that God has forgiven.
Thank you for worshipping with us today!
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church3100 Hecktown RoadBethlehem, PA