Submission Criteria
- Title (Less than 45 characters)
- Original article (at least 1,500 words, including at least one sub head)
- The content must be original (not published elsewhere) and relevant to our audience which means it must resonate with couples planning a wedding or strengthening their relationship
- The tone must be friendly, positive, and helpful
- Up to three external links and ideally, two internal links
- Please be gender inclusive – we are LGBTQ friendly and also love content that considers the point of view of the bride and groom equally
- Please keep in mind that quality is very important to us, and we do review all submitted content and reserve the right to request additional edits, reject, or approve an article as it best suits our practice.
Please note, we don't pay or accept payment for submitted blog articles. Additionally, all links will be set up as a "follow-link."