The IDEAL Consortium, a project of the EdTech Center at World Education, Inc., works to support quality blended and distance online learning in adult education and literacy programs across the United States through new educational technology innovations and collaborative research and practice. For over 15 years, the IDEAL Consortium, previously Project IDEAL, has provided technical assistance, web-based tools, and publications to member states to help them design distance and blended learning programs based on their distinct needs. We help state and regional leadership train their staff, provide just-in-time technical support, and assess the progress of their efforts.
Membership ensures opportunities for education leaders from different states to meet and learn from each other, gain new insight into what works, and access professional development materials. Technical support is available to members on data collection and analysis, reporting, educational program design, instructional strategies, and selection and use of online curricula. IDEAL Consortium workshop topics and ongoing discussions are shaped in response to the needs and interests of consortium membership.
IDEAL is a dynamic consortium aiming to improve its members’ ability to support and accelerate adult learning with technology, both inside and outside of the classroom. We share strategies gleaned from educational research and from our membership for leveraging recent educational technology innovations, ensuring the relevance of professional development offerings available to member states’ teachers.
Please review the information and complete the form. In addition to the following membership levels, customized professional development packages are also available. We look forward to hearing from you about your membership.