We have a few packages to assist you in the advertising for your event! This is an added cost above the typical $35 per person.
This is not mandatory! We will automatically provide some basic advertising. It will go on our FB page, we will create a FB event and add this to our Instagram. We will put out reminders on our SM as well. The rest is up to you. What do we recommend:
Add it to all your SM mulitple times! Put out flyers and spread the word as best you can. If you have a mailing list, send the information to everyone on your list.
If you would like us to do additional advertising for you here are the packages:
1. $25 - We will do all of the above AND create a flyer and post 5 of them in your local area. We will add the event to Google and other event sites and add it to our mailing list.
2. $35 - We will do all of the above and all of #1 AND add an additional 5 flyers to the area, add the signage on our calendars with LBA and on our outside advertising sign.
3. $45 - We will do all of the above and all of #1 and #2 AND send out a special newsletter focusing on your event with addtional information in the community, the Chamber of Commerce and other local areas.