Danubius Young Scientist Award 2023
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) created the Danubius Award in 2011, with the intention to honour persons with extraordinary achievements in their scientific activity and output in relation to the Danube Region. To complement this award with a specific prize for young scientists, fourteen young scientists will be granted the „Danubius Young Scientist Award” - one for each country that is part of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region [Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Ukraine].
First and last name of the nominee
First Name
Last Name
Email address of the nominee
Nominating institution (University, Research organisation etc.)
Email address of the nominating institution
Country of the nominating institution
Nomination of the candidate(s) by the institution (recommendation letter – max. 1 page)
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One recommendation letter can contain up to five candidates nominated by the institution for the award. In such a case, please upload the same letter for each candidate separately.
One single document about the candidate consisting following information:
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A) Summary of the scientific work (e.g. thesis, dissertation, journal article, scientific publication etc.) and its specific relevance for the Danube Region B) Curriculum Vitae including publication list of the candidate (in total max. 3 pages) - the limitation of 3 pages applies to the part B only (CV and publication list)
Copy of the document related to the candidate´s highest academic title received
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To verify the criteria of max. 5 years after master degree or PhD degree.
Submit the nomination
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