Intergenerational Pen Pal Program
Sign up for the 2024/2025 pen pal program. You will be matched and receive your materials late September to mid October 2024. This is only for seniors and elementary school classes.
First Name
Last Name
My participation in this program is: (Teacher/Class or Seniors). If you are NOT a Senior or a Teacher, you are not eligible. Please do not select senior and apply anyway.
Please Select
Teacher of Elementary Students
Senior (55+)
If a Teacher: what school, grade and how many students? (Estimation is fine)
Mailing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Birthday. To verify you are 55+ if you selected Seniors.
Email. If you have email please enter it, it is much easier to follow up to ensure you have enough materials and your match is writing you.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Yes, I want occasional updates and a monthly newsletter on programs and events that the Lloydminster Learning Council is hosting.
What are some interests that you (or your class) have?
Should be Empty: