Sometimes you don't need a specific process built out or a specific training course, you just need ongoing monthly help to keep your business on track and constantly improving. When that's the case, our Monthly PMAssist Consulting is what you need! You can select the amount of time you want to spend with us each month, and we will schedule ongoing appointments with you to continually work on improving your business.
All appointments are conducted by Zoom (unless you opt to pay extra for special in-person appointments), so it is maximally convenient for you. You are also welcome to have other members of your team attend.
While it is certainly customizable in any way you'd wish, we recommend breaking up the hours into multiple monthly Zoom sessions if you sign up for more than one hour a month, as this allows for time between sessions to work on what was discussed in the prior session.
For most clients, 2 hours a month is ideal, but for clients with larger companies who have a decent sized team who can assist with implementation, 3 or 4 hours a month can be advantageous to boost the improvements to your business (and you also get an hourly rate discount the more hours you get per month).