Event Packets with all necessary paperwork & forms will be emailed out to the Contact Person listed one time. Please keep originals to make copies as needed for future events
Marketing Your Event: All RHAA approved event dates will be posted on the official RHAA website calendar of events along with a downloadable PDF copy of the event program.
Event Insurance: We confirm we have current event insurance and a Hazard & Risk Management Plan for this proposed show.
Statement of Cooperation
On behalf of the management of the event stated in this application, I (we) agree to comply with the Ranch Horse Association of Australia Incorporated rules in the conduct of this stated event. It is understood that we, the applicant /show management, will not hold the RHAA responsible for any loss, personal injury, damages or debts for the event approved in conjunction with this application. I have read and fully understand the rules and regulations stated in the current RHAA Rule Book and terms of hosting an RHAA Event and agree to them.
Application Fee for Approved Event: $50.00 must accompany this application.
Ranch Horse Association of Australia Inc.
BSB : 082-842
Account : 972563975
Reference : Club name