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Support AB 1035 - A statewide proposal for Rent Stabilization for Mobile Homeowners
In 2020 the CA Tenant Protections Act (AB 1482) protected renters – except for mobilehome residents – with a cap on rent increases of 5% plus inflation in a year. Across the country large companies are buying Mobilehome Resident Communities (MHCs). They demand a quicker and greater return than mom-and-pop landlords and use analytical pricing software to push rent as high as they can. In Huntington Beach and other cities across the state, predatory investors donated to many City Council members who now refuse to do anything to help mobilehome residents.
These conglomerates have caused Huntington Beach rent in the past twenty years to go from $150/month to $2900/month! How can elderly and low- to moderate-income homeowners budget for this increase? Besides rent, we may be paying off a mortgage; we pay utilities, home insurance, taxes, upkeep and maintenance. Our housing costs are huge! As rents skyrocket, where can we go? There is little low-income affordable housing and the Section 8 waitlist for many counties is either lengthy or closed indefinitely.
Mobile Home Resident Coalition (MHRC) members volunteer 20-40 hours/week to gain an RSO (Rent Stabilization Ordinance). We have formed a non-profit coalition of over 1400 homeowners; we research the issues; educate the public; speak at City Council meetings; inform elected officials; distribute a monthly newsletter, and network with MHC homeowners across the state.
Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi responded to our pleas. His AB 1035 will establish a statewide RSO for MHCs. Its passage will bring relief to many seniors, veterans and low-income families who face the risk of homelessness throughout California. Its passage will allow MHC owners to continue to make a profit but at a regulated amount. It will be a lifesaver for MHC homeowners. We ask that state lawmakers – Assemblymembers and Senators – join Assemblyman Muratsuchi in passing this very important legislation.
For details of some of the deliberate tactics practiced by some MHC’s owners, please visit our Coalition website. where you can sign an electronic version of this letter.