Human Rights Alumni Information
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Email
Current Place of Employment
Current Job Role or Title
LinkedIn Address
I am currently involved in human rights work or I am employed at an organization that engages in human rights work.
Please Select
How were you involved with human rights when you were a student at UChicago?
I did a minor in human rights
I did a human rights internship
Get engaged with the Pozen Center! Please consider me for the following:
Add me to the mailing list for the Weekly Digest with information about human rights events and opportunities
Chat with a UChicago human rights intern or student
Participate on a human rights career panel
Participate in a human rights networking event
Host a human rights major or intern at your work
Participate in a Pozen Center event
Unfortunately, I cannot participate in any of these activities at this time.
Other idea(s) about how I might support the Pozen Center and its programming (please describe).
Anything else you want us to know?
Should be Empty: