Project reference number: 2020-1-TR01-KA204-093850
BasicEDU - Business Plan Questionnaire
Q1: What is a business plan?
A gallery of photos that explains the location and construction of the business
A collection of plans that are combined from different business and then analyzed and compared to your business
A written plan that is a description of all the aspects of the business and includes the business's goals
none of the above are correct; a business plan is simply a list of guidelines that tell successful business's how to run their company in order to make a profit
Q2: What should the aspect of the cover sheet or table of contents NOT include?
owners name, company name, and the business's address
website, email address
the business logo
the competitors of that business
Q3: What should the aspect of the company description include?
diagrams, photographs
back up description of the target market, why your idea will be successful and capture the market and why the opportunity is present
vision and mission statement
all of the above
Q4: What is the most important part of your business plan?
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Financial Plan
Q5: Which of the following parts of a business plan include the cash flow projection and the repayment plan?
Background and History
Executive Summary
Market Research
Financial Plan
Q6: Which part of the business plan explains the process of attraction of customers to your business and how you determined the appropriate customers?
Market Research/anaylsis
Financial Plan
Background and History
all of the above
Q7: What is the difference between the Start Up plan and the Occupational Plan? Which statement is correct?
The Occupational Plan tells where you want and plan to start the busines
Occupational Plan describes in detail how your business will operate
Start Up Plan- explains why you chose the business frame and location
Start Up Plan- Includes diagrams of production or areas of service
Q8: What does the area of Background research or History explain?
Describes yourself and what experiences you bring to the venture
describes the customers basis that the product will suit
Includes the address of the business and the owner's contact information
It includes all of the above
Q9: What are the advantages of creating a business plan?
It allows the entrepreneur to focus on what they want to accomplish
Allows the process they will take to do it become simple and easy
Allows them to accomplish their desired task
All of the above
Q10: Where do you state the vision for the company, how much money you need, and how you hope to pay the money back well as the opportunity?
Table of Contents
Financial Plan
Executive Summary
Q11: True or False: If your executive summary is more than three pages it will most likely not be read
False: More is always needed when writing an executive summary
none of the above
True: too much is not needed when writing an executive summary the readers will be bored
both of the above
Q12: Why are business plans used for potential investors and banks?
for start up funds
none of the above
They are only used by banks NOT investors
they are not used by investors and banks
Q13: Which of the following is NOT a part of the business plan?
Index Venture
Creation Process
all of the above
Q14: Which part of the business plan includes the 4 P's Place Product Production Price?
Table of Contents
Marketing Research/anaylisis
Contact Information
Q15: What are the disadvantages of creating a business plan?
Leads away from the desired task that was the goal to be accomplished
distracts entrepreneur's from allowing their business to grow
none of the above
It will be more complicated to identity the companies competition
Q16: What part of the plan focuses on what you are selling and the benefits that the customers will receive (the cost of the marketed items/acts)?
Company Description
Market Analysis
Q17: Which part of the plan outlines the structure of the company, identifies the owner's of the company and their percentage, and lists board members?
Financial Plan
Strategy/ Implementation
Executive Summary
Q18: What part of the plan deals with details about promotion, pricing, and distribution, as well as on how the business will reach customers within their target market?
Market Analysis
Company Description
Financial projections/plans
Q19: This part of a business plan shows the knowledge of the industry and includes statistics on marketing data for the companies products/services, and evaluates competition?
Executive Summary
Company Description
Market Analysis
Q20: Where would an example of the descriptions the department/ key employees fit in?
Executive Summary
Financial Plan
Q21: True or false : A business plan is important for businesses seeking funding?
Q22: Includes a biography listing the owners skills and their background information?
Management team
Financial Plan
Q23: Includes the operating hours of the company
Strategy / Implementation
Financial Plan
Executive Summary
all of the listed
Q24: Includes long and short term business goals
Company description
Financial Plan
Q25: Includes the purpose of the plan
Financial Plan
Executive Summary
Company Description
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