(Names should note relationship to original Trustees)
Original Trustee(s)
Original Trustee(s)
Either may act independently
Successor Trustee
First Successor TTEE
Alternate Succ TTEE
2nd Alternate Succ TTEE
If any Successor Trustee is NOT to act alone, circle the names of those who will group together such as "co-successor trustees"Note in space below if any special instructions as to which person would replace another under any special circumstances (example: If co-successors are to be "A" and "B" but one of them is unable to serve, then "C" is to take that person's place as a replacement co-successor trustee)
Pour over Wills His representative and alternate
Pour Over Wills Her representative and alternate: (spouse?)
His - Financial Power of Attorney
His - Financial Power of Attorney:
Note any limitations
Hers - Financial Power of Attorney
Note any limitations
His - Health Care Powers of Attorney:
His - Health Care Power of Attorneys
May any of these act
Act in sucessive order
Hers - Health Care Powers of Attorney:
Hers - Health Care Power of Attorneys
May any of these act
Act in sucessive order
Remainder Beneficiaries
Special provisions note here
Questions to ask your attorney about your Living Trust
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