Step 2 - New Client Detailed Questionnaire
Business name?
When was your business established?
What industry are you in?
State incorporated?
Owner(s) name(s) and percentage of ownership?
Business structure?
Sole Proprietor / LLC Single Member (Tax Form Schedule C)
LLC - Partnership (Tax Form 1065)
S-Corporation (Tax Form 1120-S)
Corporation (Tax Form 1120)
Non-profit (Form 990)
EIN (Enter social if that is what is used for DBA)
Last year sales?
Estimated current year sales?
Number of bank accounts and name(s) of bank(s)?
Do you run any of your expenses on personal bank or credit cards?
Number of credit cards and name of bank they are with?
Any long or short term loans? If yes, please explain.
Do you use a payment processor? If so, what do you use?
Do you run payroll?
Are you past due on taxes? If so, how long past due?
Is there anything else we need to know or you would like to share about your business?
Should be Empty: