King County Priority Hire Pilot Grant Application
Fill out the form carefully for application
Project Title
Project Director (main contact) Name
First Name
Last Name
Project Director Title & Organization/Jurisdiction
Project Director (main contact) Title
Project Director (main contact) Organization/Jurisdiction
Project Director (main contact) Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Project Director (main contact) Email
Total Grant Funds Requested (Applicants may request up to $500,000 per proposal)
Priority Hire Grant Proposal Narrative & Grant Cost Proposal Spreadsheet
Please submit your organization's grant proposal narrative & grant cost proposal spreadsheet. Detailed information on proposal narrative requirements can be found on King County's Priority Hire Grant Program webpage. Requirements 1-5 (below) should be combined into a single document to be uploaded as an attachment (proposal narrative may be /pdf, .doc, .docx. PDF preferred). The Grant Cost Proposal spreadsheet (requirement 6) should be uploaded separately (as a .xlsx file). Proposal Requirements: 1: Project Title 2: Project Purpose and Scope of Work 3: Project Location 4: Project Schedule 5: Project Cost 6: Grant Cost Proposal spreadsheet
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