As a youth serving organization, the International Soap Box Derby, Inc. (aka The All-American Soap Box Derby) (the “Derby”) considers the safety and well-being of the youth participating in its programs of the highest priority. As such, the Derby strives to put safety, and the protection of those youth, first.
As a volunteer, I promise to strictly follow the rules and guidelines in this Code of Conduct as a condition of my providing any service to youth participating in any program sponsored or maintained by the Derby.
As a volunteer, I will:
- make every effort to avoid situations where I am alone with youth at any Derby activity;
- treat everyone with respect, patience, dignity, courtesy and consideration;
- use positive reinforcement (rather than criticism or comparison) when working with youth;
- refuse to accept any gift of any kind from Derby youth or their parents (or guardian) without the prior written approval from the Derby;
- refrain from giving any gift to any Derby youth without prior written approval from their parents (or guardian) and from the Derby;
- report any suspected abuse or mistreatment immediately to the Derby; and
- cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse or mistreatment of any youth participating in any Derby activity.
As a volunteer, I will not:
- use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol at any time while volunteering;
- use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs at any time while volunteering;
- smoke or use any tobacco products in the presence of youth at any Derby activity;
- pose any health risk to youth;
- strike or touch youth in an inappropriate way at any Derby activity;
- humiliate, ridicule, threaten or degrade any youth participating in any Derby activity; or
- use profanity in the presence of youth participating in any Derby activity.
I understand that as a volunteer working with the Derby and its youth, I am subject to a thorough background check, including a check of my criminal history. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code of Conduct or any failure to take action mandated by this Code of Conduct may result in my removal as a volunteer pending a review by the Conduct Committee of the ISBD. I acknowledge and agree that the Derby has the complete and absolute discretion to make a determination as to this issue and its decision shall be final and binding.