Release from liability:
READ this CAREFULLY. When you sign it, you will be giving up important legal rights.
In consideration of the acceptance of my application form, I intend to be legally bound for not only myself but also for my heirs, my executors and my administrators. In signing this release from liability, I waive and release everyone connected with the ADFPF and with the WDFPF from any and all liability that may arise from competing in these organizations.
I understand that powerlifting is an inherently hazardous activity and that participation in this sport exposes me to the risk of injury or death. I further understand that the ADFPF will NOT reimburse me for, or coverage of any medical expenses incurred by me as a result of injuries that I might sustain, working at, helping with, training for, traveling/from the venue, participating in the competition or as a.Spotter, Loader or a Bench Press Lift-off personnel.
Moreover, I agree that any method of drug testing which the ADFPF, WDFPF and/or the meet directors and sponsors of sanctioned events use to detect the presence of strength-inducing substances SHALL BE CONCLUSIVE. That is, whether I believe the results of the tests are right or wrong, I agree that I have no right to challenge the results of the drug tests. I further agree to submit to any physical tests that may be necessary to complete the drug testing. Should I fail to pass the drug test, I agree to waive any claim that might arise under state/international law for defamation, slander, libel, or any other claim for which legal relief is available.
I agree to pay all attorney fees and litigation expenses incurred by any person, real or corporate, which I may sue in an effort to challenge this release from liability form. I understand that my agreement to pay attorney fees and litigation expenses in the sine qua non for the acceptance of my entry into these organizations.
All ADFPF athletes, coaches, officials, referees, and platform personnel acknowledge and understand that they represent, and are seen as representing, the ADFPF, the WDFPF, their team, their state, their country, and the sport of powerlifting when training for, traveling to and from, and taking part in a competition or related activities. Accordingly, they agree that they will act responsibly and respectfully at all times and will obey all local laws, even if they are different from the laws they are subject to at home. They will also exhibit outstanding sportsmanship in keeping with the values, ideals, and spirit of drug free sport and will encourage others to do the same. It is understood that failure to adhere to these standards of conduct may result in discipline by the ADFPF and/or WDFPF, up to and including a suspension or ban from taking part in ADFPF and/or WDFPF events.