Welcome and Thank you for starting a Focus Issue Proposal!
ECS welcomes proposals from the scientific community for projects that highlight scientific and technological areas of current interest and future promise that are expanding rapidly or take a new direction. Our focus issue projects create a collection of research, review, critical review, perspective, methods, and communication articles from our digital library that are expected to be read and highly cited. Your complete answers to the following questions provide Editorial Leadership with the information required to assess the proposal and commence the project if the proposal is approved.
General Information
Primary Point of Contact
Guest Editors
The Guest Editor’s role is to support the success of the collection by encouraging submissions to the collection, promoting the collection, and supporting peer-review efforts as needed. All decisions regarding accepting or rejecting articles submitted for consideration rest with the given journal’s appointed Editorial Leadership. This form allows for including up to eight (8) Guest Editors. Additional Guest Editors may be added following proposal acceptance.
Guest Editor 1
Guest Editor 2
Guest Editor 3
Guest Editor 4
Guest Editor 5
Guest Editor 6
Guest Editor 7
Guest Editor 8
Title: What is the collection’s proposed title?
Example:' Hot topics in Electrochemical Applications'
Journal Selection: Which ECS journal would you like the collection to be published in?
Please Select
JES - Journal of The Electrochemical Society
JSS - ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
ECSSP - ECS Sensors Plus
ECSA - ECS Advances
Select one
ECS Advances Topical Interest Areas (TIAs) of The Electrochemical Society which will be welcome to submit to the collection. Select all the apply
Batteries and Energy Storage
Corrosion Science and Technology
Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition
Electrochemical Engineering
Organic and Bioelectrochemistry
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry
Electrochemical Sensors
Solid State Sensors
Carbon Nanostructures and Devices
Dielectric Science and Materials
Electronic Materials and Processing
Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems
Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing
JES Topical Interest Areas (TIAs) of The Electrochemical Society which will be welcome to submit to the collection. Select all the apply
Batteries and Energy Storage
Corrosion Science and Technology
Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition
Electrochemical Engineering
Organic and Bioelectrochemistry
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry
Electrochemical Sensors
JSS Topical Interest Areas (TIAs) of The Electrochemical Society which will be welcome to submit to the collection. Select all the apply
Solid State Sensors
Carbon Nanostructures and Devices
Dielectric Science and Materials
Electronic Materials and Processing
Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems
Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing
ECSSP Topical Interest Areas (TIAs) of The Electrochemical Society which will be welcome to submit to the collection. Select all the apply
3D/4D Printed Sensors, Sensor Systems and Actuators
Affinity Sensors – Nucleic Acids
Affinity Sensors – Antibodies
Affinity Sensors – Other
AI-Enabled Sensors
AI-Enabled Sensors - AI in Multimodal Sensing
AI-Enabled Sensors - Novel AI Sensing Techniques
AI-Enabled Sensors - AI and Materials Discovery
Bio/Health and Point-of-Care Sensors
Biocatalytic Sensors – Enzymes
Biocatalytic Sensors – Biomolecule-based Catalytic Conversion
Biocatalytic Sensors – Other
Cell Sensors and Imaging
Energy Harvesting and Storage for Sensors
Integrated Sensor Systems
Intelligent Sensors for Smart Cities and Remote Communities
Microfluidic Devices
Micro-Nano Sensor Systems
Novel Sensing Materials
Novel Sensing Materials - Hybrid Materials
Novel Sensing Materials - Nanocomposites for Sensing
Novel Sensing Materials - Olfactory Sensors
Novel Sensing Materials - All Aspects of Physical and Chemical Sensors
Novel Sensing Materials - Soft Sensors and Soft Robotics
Novel Sensing Mechanisms – CRISPER
Novel Sensing Mechanisms – Gene Circuits
Novel Sensing Mechanisms – Other
Novel Sensor Fabrication Techniques
Point-of-Need Sensors
Power and Data Transmission for Sensors
Quantum Sensors
Sensor Arrays
Sensors for Batteries
Sensors for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Systems
Sensors for Impurities Detection in Fuel and Water – Hydrogen
Sensors for Impurities Detection in Fuel and Water – Electrolytes
Sensors for Impurities Detection in Fuel and Water – Other
Smart Sensors for Industry 4.0
Soft Actuators
Stochastic or Single Molecule Sensors
Wearable and Implantable Sensors
Description: Please provide a detailed description of the proposed collection topic. If the proposal is accepted, this text may be used in promotional efforts.
Assessing Information
The information shared below may be used by Editorial Leadership to assess the project’s viability.
Existing Articles: Please provide the DOI numbers for three (3) articles currently published on this topic in ECS or non-ECS publications.
Keywords: Please provide the five (5) top keywords that best align with the proposed topic.
Division Advanced Support: Has an ECS division endorsed this proposal?
Which ECS Division has endorsed this proposal?
Battery Division (BATT)
Corrosion (CORR)
Dielectric Science and Technology (DS&T)
Electrodeposition (ELDP)
Electronics and Photonics (EPD)
Energy Technology (ETD)
High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes (H-TEMP)
Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE)
Luminescence and Display Materials (LDM)
Nanocarbons (NANO)
Organic and Biological Electrochemistry (OBE)
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (PAE)
Sensors (SENS)
ECS Symposium Focus Issues: Is this proposal connected or related to an ECS Bi-Annual Meeting Symposium?
External: Is this proposal connected or related to a meeting, conference, or event not connected to the ECS Bi-Annual Meeting?
Symposium Code and Title of the related ECS Bi-Annual Meeting Symposium
Provide the code and title of the ECS Bi-Annual Meeting Symposium the proposal is related toExample: 'Z02 - Symposium Title Example'
Provide the Name, Title, Location, and website of the meeting, conference, or event this proposal is connected to
Have you proposed a special issue to any other journal in connection with this event?
Is the organizing committee of the event prepared to make the ECS journal the exclusive journal publication opportunity of the event?
Focus Topic Access: Will the proposed collection be open to submissions from the greater scientific community (open) or to a specific/limited list of authors (restricted)?
Open to the ECS community at large
Restricted only to those who presented at the specific meeting, conference, symposia or other event
List Required: Where you indicate that submissions should only be open to those who presented in a specific Meeting, Conference, Symposium, or Event AND you indicate this proposal is NOT related to an ECS Bi-Annual Meeting Symposium, ECS will not have access to the participant list. A complete list of those who are welcome to submit is a pre-requisite for all restricted focus issue projects. As such the proposer will be required to share a completed listing including the First Name, Last Name, contact email address, and primary affiliation of those who are welcome to submit. Are you equipped to upload this required list today?
List Upload: First Name, Last Name, email address, and primary affiliation of conference attendees or presenters who are welcome to submit to the collection
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List Availability Date: Where you indicate that you are not equipped to provide the required listing today. Please provide the date you estimate the listing will be shared.
*Please note: The date provided in this field will impact plausibility and/or start date of the proposed project
Expected Submissions: Provide the number of submissions the proposal team estimates to receive if the proposal is approved.
Submission Start Date: Please provide your preferred date to begin accepting submissions if the project is accepted.
The date selected must be at least 60 days in the future. The start date is subject to review and availability.
Promotional Image: Each focus issue should have an image or graphic to support the project’s promotional efforts. Please upload a high-resolution, 300 DPI image or graphic that represents the proposal topic and you have permission to use for promotion purposes.
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The ECS Journal cover will be the default image if a preferred image is not provided.
Promotional Image Source: Provide the citation and/or details for the source of this image.
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