Soul Medicine Through the Seasons
Samhain: What is decaying in me?
First Name
Last Name
Mabon/Fall Equinox
VIRTUAL: Yes send me the Zoom link for November 3, 5-7pm Pacific// 8-10pm Eastern! (Note: gatherings will not be recorded).
IN PERSON: Yes send me the physical address for November 3, 1-3:30 pm Pacific
I understand in-person events include time outside and all of the risks associated with walking and being on the land, including and not limited to: getting lost, tripping or falling on uneven ground, stings or allergic reactions to plants, bees, insects, weather-related discomforts or injuries. I understand I have choice if and how to participate at all times and assume all responsibility for my physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
I understand
I have questions, I will email Monika Denise at
I'm interested in the following from Monika Denise:
All Events and Offerings
Soul Medicine through the Seasons
Yes, subscribe me to my selections above.
Pay What you Can $15-40
( X )
Thank you for supporting Monika Denise's energy for preparation and space holding and for space rental for in-person events. Please choose a price that is generous and accessible for you. Thank you!
Payment Methods
Please click one of the PayPal options to complete payment and
the form.
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