Kylerec 2023 Application
We are committed to promoting diversity in mathematics. We especially encourage people from groups that are underrepresented in math to apply.
First Name
Last Name
Advisor (or potential advisor)
In a few sentences, tell us about your mathematical background and interests (e.g., research you are doing, courses or reading you have found interesting).
In a few sentences, explain how you hope to benefit from and contribute to the Kylerec community. You equally are welcome to discuss mathematical or social aspects of this workshop.
Would you like to give a talk?
No, I would prefer not to give a talk.
I would prefer not to give a talk, but I will if I have to. (See item below)
Yes, I would like to give a talk. (See item below)
If you would like to give a talk, which of the following topics would you like to present on? (Each topic may not one-to-one correspond to a single talk.)
Background on Fukaya categories and the relevant homological algebra
Background on Derived categories of coherent sheaves and Calabi--Yau structures
Geometry of Landau--Ginzburg models and corresponding A-side and B-side categories
Examples of HMS in elliptic curves and abelian varieties
Examples of HMS in more generalized setting (Fano, log CY, general type, noncompact...)
Basics of symplectomorphisms and symplectic mapping class groups; Seidel's Dehn twists; induced action on Fukaya categories
Autoequivalences of triangulated categories; spherical objects and spherical twists
Hacking--Keating HMS for log CY surfaces
Sheridan--Smith HMS for generalized Greene--Plesser mirrors and K3 surfaces
Auruoux--Smith classification of spherical objects for Riemann surfaces
SYZ mirror symmetry and almost toric fibrations
Would you like to volunteer to take notes?
Gender (optional)
Ethnicity (optional)
Are you a U.S. underrepresented minority?
Prefer not to say
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Can you drive?
Due to the setup of the house, many participants will have to share beds. Do you feel comfortable doing so? If so, is there anyone with whom you'd like to be paired?
How did you hear about Kylerec?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Should be Empty: