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What led you to take the Steward Leader KOR-B Freedom Profile©
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I am a student at CIU in 9610
I am a student at CIU in 9616
Doctoral Research: Rich
Doctoral Research: Kirby
Doctoral Research: Russell
My mentor recommended it
My coach recommended it
My friend recommended it
I found it online
Doctoral Research: Osei
Doctoral Research: Bostanic
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How did you hear about the Steward Leader KOR-B Freedom Profile?
The Steward Leader KOR-B Freedom Profile© is a validated assessment by Scott Rodin. After answering the 47 assessment questions below, you will receive an individualized assessment report which states your current Steward Leader skills as well as a seven step growth plan. Please answer the questions below as truthfully as possible.
How Often Do I?
Very Rarely
Very Often
I manage the resources within influence through the lens of a steward: these are God's finances
As a leader, I operate on the belief that it is more important to be faithful than successful
I manage the people I work with as a gift that I must steward carefully
I manage our finances without any sense of worry or fear
The decisions I make can be influenced by a fear of failure
I rely on positive feedback from other people to feel good about
my role as a leader
As I lead others, I seek critical feedback on my performance
The people I work with would say I am more likely to give credit to my team than take praise for myself
I consider the effect on my reputation when I make decisions
I get frustrated with people who are obstacles to my desire to
get things done
I use my daily interactions with people as opportunities to bless them
Building team culture is more important than getting team results
I daily submit my time to God and let Him shape the way I spend it
As a leader, I worry about finances
Preparation for spiritual battle is part of my daily routine
Daily surrender to Christ is the part of my leadership routine
I have more worry/stress/ fear than joy in my daily life as a leader
Agree or Disagree?
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Neither Disagree or Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
There is clear evidence in our work culture that God owns this organization
In the last month my leadership has been more reliant on the Spirit than myself
I rely on my own skills and abilities when it comes to strategy and
execution of weekly tasks
The last 3 times I encountered the need for an important decision
to be made, I stopped everything I was doing and prayed
Thinking about the last time I was successful; a majority of that success can be attributed to what I was able to contribute
People I work with would say that I am more concerned with how
God sees me than with how others see me
If God was leading me to make a decision that would make me
unpopular as a leader, I would make it willingly
I stay in long-term relationships whether they are a blessing
to me or not
People I work with would say that I focus on the needs of others rather than my own
I am not threatened when people I lead receive recognition
and reward
I manage resources carefully because they are scarce and must be managed effectively
In the past three months I can point to ways God has
directed me to use my finances for His purposes
I look to my financial status to provide me a sense of security
As a leader I help prepare my followers for spiritual warfare
The challenges I face as a leader are less spiritual in nature
and more related to finances and personnel
True or Untrue
Very untrue of me
Untrue of me
Somewhat untrue of me
Somewhat true of me
True of me
Very true of me
I see my role as a leader through the lens of an owner: this is my organization
I see the people I lead through the lens of an owner: these are my
employees/my team members
As a leader my title defines me
I see the strategies I help create through the lens of an owner: this
is our vision
I see my relationship with time through the lens of a steward: all my time is God's time, and I will use it as he leads
I more fully trust God to guide me as a leader than I did a year ago
The more I can control things in my work the better leader I become
I put my organization on my shoulders in order to lead it to success
Growing in my intimacy with Christ is the single most important
thing I do as a leader
Intimacy with God is the primary source of guidance in my
I can fail at my job without it impacting my identity
I treat the relationships in my life as a necessary means to accomplishing my goals
There is clear evidence in my life that I take seriously my role
to be a steward of God's creation
As a leader, I am engaged in spiritual warfare and
therefore I must be prepared for battle
I operate with a deep sense of victory over temptation as a
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KOR-B Freedom Profile
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