Times Education Partnership and EduHUB Application Form
Use this form to apply as a partner agent of Times Education, or if you are already a partner but do not use EduHUB to easily manage your students. Please note that ALL FIELDS ARE MANDATORY.
Which of the following statements best describes your company
I would like to apply to become a Times Education Partner
I am already a Times Education Partner and need to be setup in EduHUB.
Company Details
Please fill in all applicable fields accurately. Incomplete or inaccurate submissions can cause delays and may not be approved.
Company Name
First Name
Last Name
2nd Director (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Australian Business Number (ABN) or Company Registration Number
Australian Migration Agency Number
Only applicable if you are a Registered Australian Migration Agent
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Mobile (WhatsApp Preferred)
Country Code (eg. 61 4 xxxx 1234)
Area Code
Phone Number
Country Code (eg. 61 2 xxxx 1234)
Area Code
Phone Number
Director Email
eg. agencydirector@agencycompanydomain.com
Please provide company domain to help us understand your company better eg: https://www.agencycompanydomain.com
EduHUB Account Setup Information
If applicable, we will set up your EduHUB All-in-One Agency Management System Account according to the information you submit here.
Admin Account Email Address
Counsellor / Agent Sub Accounts
If you like, we can set up multiple sub accounts for individual counsellors or agents who work for your company. Speak to us during your onboarding session to learn more about EduHUB flexible sub accounts for counsellors.
Counsellor Account email address(es)
Email addresses separated by a comma. These should all be at the same company domain.
EduHUB Induction Appointment
Select a preferred time to arrange your EduHUB training session. Training is usually conducted by team members in the Brisbane (AEST) timezone on Thursdays.
Company Status and Background
How long your business been operating?
eg. 6 months, or 4 years
List institutions in Australia you are currently representing.
Tick all appropriate options. You currently promote and intend to promote Times Education,
Onshore (in Australia)
Offshore (outside Australia
Which countries or regions do you draw students from?
List countries separated by a comma (eg. Vietnam, Laos, Brazil)
How many students to you intend to send in the next six (6) months?
List the most popular courses you currently promote.
List courses separated by a comma (eg. Diploma of Hospitality, Bachelor Programs)
Please upload ASIC Company Summary or Company Registration Certificate
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Format: pdf, png
Please provide details of two referees who we will contact to support your application.
1st Referee
First Name
Last Name
1st Referee Company
1st Referee Position
1st Referee Phone
Country Code (eg. +61)
Area Code
Phone Number
1st Referee Email
2nd Referee
First Name
Last Name
2nd Referee Company
2nd Referee Position
2nd Referee Phone Number
Country Code (eg. +61)
Area Code
Phone Number
2nd Referee Email
Declaration and Signature
By submitting this form I declare that I am fit and properly authorised to act on behalf of the company named above and that the information I have entered is accurate.
Hour Minutes
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