Richmond Emmaus Clergy Application - Page 3
Team Participation Expectations: Team formation is a 23-26 hour process, typically conducted over a series of evening meetings before the weekend event. Team members are expected to attend all team meetings and to pre-view their talks. Specific team meetings that must be missed shall be coordinated with the Weekend Spiritual Director and the Weekend Lay Director. The WSD and at least one AWSD must commit to staying for the entire weekend to minister to the Pilgrims and Team.
The cost to the Richmond Emmaus Community for each team member on a Walk currently is $250.00, including Spiritual Directors.
If you understand and agree to abide by these expectations, please complete this form, sign and date it below. and mail a copy to the Community Spiritual Director, Richmond Emmaus, P.O. Box 1717, Midlothian, VA 23113.