Directions to Complete this Questionnaire
When filling out the questionnaire, there are a number of things we want you to take into consideration:
1. Despite the fact you may have discussed some of the things in the questionnaire with us on the telphone, please ensure you still capture everything about your case. Our attorneys and intake people speak with numerous clients throughout the day, so it is impossible to remember the facts and circumstances surrounding our consults;
2. When typing in the fields, please ensure you structure the information properly. For example, do not type in all lower case such as "123 main street," you should type it as "123 Main Street." While it may seem like common sense, you would be suprised;
3. To the extent you know the tenant's full name, please include it. This will assist in the judgment being rendered against the proper party. The same holds true for the telephone number, as well as the email address.