By initialing this Section, I understand and agree to the following:
I am responsible for the 50% of the payment of all costs to repair or replace the grinder pump(s), system and related piping, valves or materials as needed, at this property.
I authorize the City's general management company, Crossroads Utility Services or its agents, employees, contractors, and/or subcontractors, to proceed to make the repairs.
I agree that I will promptly pay for such repairs.
I understand that the final cost of the repairs cannot be determined until the nature and extent of needed repairs or replacement can be assessed after this authorization for service is given.
I understand that the City has negotiated a contract with Crossroads Utility Service concerning the prices of the repair and the final cost to me will be as determined under the terms of that contract.
I understand that 50% of the costs of these repairs or replacement of the system or any of its components will be charged to the customer water/wastewater service account for this address. Labor, equipment, and material costs for services performed after-hours (Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm) on weekends, and Crossroads-observed holidays will be charged at rates that are approximately 50% higher than labor, equipment, and materials costs for services performed during regular business hours.
I understand that if the repairs are not paid within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice for such repairs, the water service to this address may be terminated in accordance with the City’s service rules and regulations.
I understand that this authorization supersedes any verbally guarantees, commitments, instructions, and/or offers by Crossroads employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors.