I certify that the statements and information provided by me on this application for employment are true, accurate and complete to the best of
my knowledge.
I authorize The Saint Louis Crisis Nursery to investigate all statements contained in this application unless specifically stated otherwise inthis application for employment. I authorize the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery to contact the employers identified above for purpose ofverifying the accuracy of the information contained in this application, and discussing my work performance, conduct and qualifications.
I understand that any misrepresentations, false statement, false information, or material omissions made by me on this application for employment (or on any other accompanying or required documents) and/ or during any interview may result in the exclusion of my application from further consideration or, if I am hired, termination of my employment regardless of when or how discovered.
I understand that neither this application for employment nor any other document or statement of the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery constitutes a contract or agreement of employment. I understand that if I am hired, my employment will be “at-will” and, as such, may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause. If hired, I agree to comply with all polices and procedures of the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery, including, without limitation, those concerning conflicts of interests, standards of business ethics, conduct health, equal employment opportunity, safety and security.
I understand that the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery prohibits the disclosure of its confidential and proprietary information, and I agree to comply with that prohibition, whether or not I become an employee. To the extent that confidential or proprietary information is disclosed to or otherwise acquired by me, whether during the application process or if I am hire, after I become an employee I shall not disclose such information to any third-party (except as required int eh ordinary course of employment by the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery and for the sole benefits of the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery and except for disclosures to government agencies).
I represent to the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery that I am not a party to any agreement that would prohibit or restrict me from being employed by, or performing services for the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery