Historic Mansfield Chalk the Walk Contest
The Historic Mansfield Chalk the Walk Contest is a competition for individuals, groups and families to celebrate the history of art in Mansfield. As we celebrate Mansfield's educational history during Historic Preservation Month, our theme this year is “What I Learned in School”. Share your vision of something you learned or want to learn in school in your chalk work. Please complete this form to enter the contest by May 3, 2024 to ensure a space. If spaces are available on the day of the event, they will be assigned to participants who submitted their application after the deadline.
Individual Artist or Team Name
Team Member Names (if applicable)
Artist Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
We will only contact you for contest related information
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Please select category
Adult (18+)
Youth (13 to 17)
Child (12 & under)
Team or Family Group
Permission and Waiver
I hereby release and hold harmless the City of Mansfield, Texas, any staff, representative and or agents from all liabilities, mishaps, or losses to any personal or corporate affects that may befall me or others in my party during this contest or as a result of any activity that may arise under the event. Additionally, I hereby give permission for images captured during the event through video, photo and/or digital camera, to be used for the purposes of promotional material, websites, press releases, and publications, and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statement, the rules and regulations of the event, and will abide by those rules.
Please Type Your Name
Please Check the Box to Agree to the Permission and Waiver Terms above
I agree
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