Upon receipt of your completed Application, the Program Manager will review your form to determine your property’s eligibility based on the following:
- Property type, location and verification of property ownership
- Status of your property tax and utility bill payments
- Debt service ratio assessment.
After completion of the review, if you meet Program eligibility requirements, the Program Manager will provide you with a Notice to Proceed letter that identifies:
- The maximum eligible funding amount for your project
- A BHOLP file reference number for tracking your application as you proceed
- Information for contacting an NRCan-approved Registered Energy Advisor to arrange for a Pre-Retrofit Home EnerGuide Assessment, the cost of which is eligible for reimbursement under this Program
How to submit the Application (Choose one of the following methods)
Submit electronically by filling out the form below.
To mail a hardcopy of this form, please reach out to betterhomes@envirocentre.ca and send it to:
Program Manager Better Homes Ottawa - Loan Program
1554 Carling Ave. Unit 347
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Z 7M4
To hand deliver your application, please call 1-877-580-2582 to schedule an appointment.