If you do not think the client is currently safe, stay on the line with them and call 911 or stay on the line while they call 911.
Safety: Do you think you need help to keep yourself safe right now? A “no” response does not indicate that the patient is safe, but a “yes” is a reason to act immediately to ensure safety. Stay on the line with the person, and call 911 or stay on the line while the person calls 911 or puts you on the phone with another present adult who can call 911.
Support: Is there another adult there now that I can speak to? If so, ask to speak to that person, and get them to either call 911 or the Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.
If you think the client is currently safe, but is too high acuity for CCP, you can let them know that CCP cannot offer the level of care that would be the most helpful for this level of acuity and provide appropriate referrals.
If you think the client is currently safe, and that they might be appropriate for CCP, move on to the next questions.