I agree to membership terms & conditions: As a volunteer with the Iran Lovers, I agree to the following: I acknowledge that the work performed is on a volunteer basis and that there is no employment relationship with Iran Lovers. Confidentiality: I acknowledge that, in the course of performing my volunteer duties, I may have access to information that may be confidential. I will not disclose or give to any person, institution, or source any information or document that comes to my knowledge or into my possession by reason of my service to Iran Lovers.
Personal Information: I am aware that personal information (as defined under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31) may be collected before, during or after my work, by Iran Lovers, including but not limited to my name, email address, contact information, photographs, or videos of those participating in the work. Iran Lovers does not and will not sell, trade, or rent any mailing lists. Data is securely and confidently stored. All personal data provided to Iran Lovers will be used to manage, develop and enhance operations and communicate with participants.