Your first name
Your last name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Pet's name
What procedure will your pet be getting?
CT Scan
By signing this form, you certify you'e the owner or agent of the pet, and hereby understand, consent, and authorize the following:
Click on each box to agree to approve and authorize the following items:
I understand that:
CT scans performed under sedation or general anesthesia, and that iodine contrast solution injections may be needed for the best images..
I understand that:
as with any diagnostic procedure or treatment, including anesthesia and iodine administration, there are rare, unpredictable risks—including fatality. Veterinary medicine has no guarantees or implied guarantees of outcomes or results.
I consent to:
MPI taking photos/video of my pet and procedure for medical documentation, case studies, marketing and social media use; in perpetuity.
I agree to:
make sure my pet will be fasting (this means no food for 8 hours before procedure). If your pet is diabetic, please call us for instructions
(Use your mouse —or your finger on mobile). It's OK if it's not perfect!
Should be Empty: