If you answered 'yes' to one or more questions:
If you have not recently done so, consult with your doctor by telephone or in person before increasing your physical activity and/or taking a fitness appraisal. Tell your doctor what questions you answered 'yes'' to on the PAR-Q or present your PAR-Q copy. After medical evaluation, seek advice from your doctor as to your suitability for:
- Unrestricted physical activity starting off easily and progressiong gradually and,
- Restricted or supervised activity to meet your specific needs, at least on an initial basis
No to all questions:
If you answered your PAR-Q accurately, you have reasonable assurance of your present suitability to take part in physical gym activity.
Assumption of risk:
I hereby state that I have read, understood and answered honestly the questions of the PAR-Q. I also state I wish to participate in activites that may include aerobic exercise, resistance training and stretching. I realise that my participation in these activites involves the risk of injury and even the possibility of death. Furthermore, I hereby confirm that I am voluntarily engaging in an acceptable level of exercise.
Terms & conditions:
I hereby state I have read and agree to the terms & conditions stipulated by Get Fit with Nikki www.getfitnikki.com