Originally known as the Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Award, the Trailblazer Award was established in 2015 to recognize alumni who have graduated in the last 10 years and who have had significant impact within their profession, contributed to their community, and show promise of continued success. They may be challenging the norms of their profession or outperforming their peers through hard work and determination. All must show promise of continued success and uphold the ideals of Florida State University.
Nominations are open through December 31, 2024. Any application material sent after December 31 will not be considered.
Required materials
- Nominator Information: Name, address, phone number, email
- Nominee Information: Name, address, phone number, email
- Statement of Nomination: 150 words or less that explains why the nominator feels the person is a qualified candidate
- Supporting Documentation: Current curriculum vita or resume of nominee, at least one letter of recommendation from someone other than the nominator, and any documentation further supporting nominee’s accomplishments and qualifications for the award (e.g. other letters of recommendation, announcement of other recognitions, news articles, etc.)
Amanda Coffman
Associate Director of Student & Alumni Engagement
College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Florida State University
(850) 645-8943
If you wish to submit your nomination via mail or fax, please contact Amanda Coffman.