I hereby confirm that all the above information is correct and accurate at the time of activity. I know of no reason why I should not participate in a Pilates program.
I understand the Pilates program will begin at a low level and will be advanced in stages depending on my fitness level.
I understand that I will only complete the level that feels right for me and I understand that I can stop at any time during the class if feel fatigue or any discomfort.
I will notify my instructor should this happen. I understand that as this is a face to face group/or 1:1 class and my instructor may help correct and provide feedback on my technique using light touch or verbal cues.
I understand that if I wish not to be touched I will speak to my instructor
prior to class.
Kilkeel Physiotherapy Clinic assume no liability for persons who undertake physical activity, and if in doubt after completing this questionnaire, I will consult my doctor prior to physical activity.
Whilst every care will be taken, it is impossible to predict the body’s exact response to exercise. I understand the risk of exercise can include abdominal body pressure, fainting, irregular, fast or slow heart rhythm, and in rare circumstances heart attack, stroke or death.
To minimise these risks I have completed this form and declared all preliminary information prior to starting this class related to my health and fitness. If anything should change to my health during the class I will immediately inform my instructor. I understand my information is confidential.
I hereby affirm that I have read and fully understand the above, am over eighteen years of age and am legally liable for my own decisions/actions.
By signing below, it means that I agreed to the terms indicated in this document.