The Parma Animal Shelter, Inc. is a non-profit organization. Our animals are not for sale, they are for adoption, which means a home must meet the approval before adoption a pet, including but not limited to filling out this form, discussion(s) with an adoption counselor, meeting with the prospective pet and a signed contract. In addition, the Parma Animal Shelter, Inc. reserves the right to turn down a prospective adoption at any time during this process for any reason. I assert that the information I have provided on this form is accurate and true, and have read and understand the above disclaimer.
By signing this application I understand that I am responsible for the well-being of the adoptable dog(s I will provide proper care and shelter. I will not abandon the adoptable dog(s) at any time. Dogs/puppies must be transported with a leash and collar.
Please note adoptions are not first come, first serve. Rather, they are BEST HOME! We reserve the right to refuse any adoption.