Please review carefully before submitting.
I understand that by submitting this signed document, I attest that the information provided is true and accurate.
1. I agree to utilize this grant at the institution so stated by me in this application or I will consult with the Rising Sun Regional Foundation regarding any proposed change.
3. I understand that I must use said funds within one calendar year from the date of the award or any unused balance will be forfeited.
4. I understand that the award may be used for tuition, books, room and board, or student fees, and that I will first apply said funds toward any outstanding tuition and book expenses.
5. I hereby specifically waive any confidentiality which might otherwise be involved and freely consent to said institution furnishing any and all scholastic information regarding me which it may at any time have in its file or on record.
6. I hereby consent to receiving communications from the Rising Sun Regional Foundation about my scholarship award via email and/or text message.