The student(s) named below have my approval to participate in fieldtrip activities at Twisters Gymnastics. I understand that like all physical activities, participation in gymnastics carries with it a reasonable degree of risk and agree that neither Twisters Gymnastics, nor its officers, directors, operators, agents or instructors may be held liable in any way for any occurrence in connection with my student’s participation in gymnastics which may result in serious injury or death or other damages to me or my family, heirs, or assigns.
In consideration of being allowed to participate in such gymnastics, I further assume all risks in connection therewith, whether foreseen or unforeseen, and further to save and hold harmless such corporation, its officers, directors, operators, agents or instructors for any claim by me, my family, estate, heirs or assigns arising out of such participation.
I understand that I and/or my child may be photographed and I give consent for the use of photos to publicize Twisters Gymnastics in any form of print/digital media that Twisters so chooses to use.